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Ballistic Bells Classes are based on proper technique and form at all time, stretching as well as foam rolling are incorporated in each routine. Kettlebell sport classes are also offered for anyone wanting to train for this amazing sport. Kettlebell training promotes lean body mass and fat loss through strength and cardio effect achieved with this type of training.
Class timesMonday 5:30 pm Live at Max performance or online Via Zoom through private Facebook page, video available on demand.Tuesday 6 pm online via Zoom through Facebook page, video available on demand
5:30 pm Live classes at Max Performance as well as online Via Zoom through private Facebook page with video available on demand.Thursday 5:30pm via Zoom through private Facebook page with video available on demand
5:00 pm via Zoom through private Facebook page with video on demand. Kettlebell competition class available at 6:00m via Zoom as well!Saturday
8:00 am via Zoom through private Facebook page with video on demand, email or message me for information! XOXO
Please call for availability and to sign up for in person or Zoom Classes or individual or small group training sessions
(616) 891-4041
I offer one on one training via zoom as well as online classes and on demand for a very reasonable rate.
Email me at ballisticbells@aol.com to find out more or contact me at (616) 891-4041
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